Chinese Edition
Zimbabwe: Tobacco Sales Reach $580mln
Kenya Average Leaf Price Increased
India: Scheme to Help Farmers Shift from Tobacco Extended to 10 States
Zimbabwe: Farmers Must Heed Weather Forecasts
Indonesia: More Imports Loom as Tobacco Production Slides
India: Andhra Dilemma over Crop Size
Indian Farmers Want Place at CoP7
US: Obama Urged to Ban Child Labor
Indonesia: Impassioned Plea for Tobacco
India: Tobacco Growers Seek MGP
US: Rains Impact Tobacco Production This Summer
Malawi Farmers Struggle to Cope as El Nino Ravages Tobacco Harvest
Malawi: Tobacco Farmers Angry over Contract Farming
Zimbabwe: Flue-Cured Deliveries Pass Estimate
Zimbabwe: Another Jailed for Side Marketing
Malawi: Tobacco Farmers Producing too Much Tobacco: Affecting Leaf Price
India: AP Tobacco Auctions: 100 Million kg Sold; Final Phase Begins
Zimbabwe: Corruption Rocks Auction Floors
Tobacco Plantation Delay
Tobacco can strengthen local currency