Davidoff Goes Regal in Latest Cigar and Accessories Line Source from: The Moodie Davitt Report 10/11/2016 Davidoff has launched a new cigar and accessories line called Royal Release. Royal Release cigars were created from seeds from the 2004/5 harvest. Curing took place in the Royal Barn and bales given the Royal stamp were then left for eight years of ageing. The cigars feature an Aromatica Dominicana wrapper, a Habano Ecuador binder and a filler composed of two different Dominican tobaccos. Two formats of Royal Release cigars are available: Robusto (2.2cm wide x 14cm long) and Salomones (2.3cm wide x 21cm long). Oettinger Davidoff Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Innovation Charles Awad said: "From seed to leaf, to finally blending and rolling the cigar, every step along the way was characterised by the stringent selection criteria and meticulous attention to detail." Davidoff Royal Release accessories include a blue lacquered lighter, created by S.T Dupont, and three royal blue mouth-blown ashtrays, created by Murano glass blowers. The Davidoff Royal Release cigars and accessories are on-counter now in the USA and will be available for wider release at selected appointed merchants in October 2016. The products will be launched worldwide at Davidoff depositaries and Davidoff flagship stores in late November. Enditem |