New Zealand: Opinions About The Recently Released Draft Vape Laws

In a press release about the draft, VAPO, the largest Kiwi-owned vape company, said that the Ministry of Health has done well to release it within six months of the vaping legislation being passed by Parliament. The brand owners added that it is imperative that Kiwis submit feedback on the proposals, ahead of the March 15 deadline.

“Sure, we have some concerns, but overall, the Ministry is heading in a positive and pragmatic direction. As market leaders, we appreciate their willingness to listen and their genuine openness to communicate,” said VAPO co-owner Jonathan Devery.

Concerns about the proposed fee structure

Devery and his partner, together with countless vape advocates in New Zealand, have always been in favour of, and even urged local authorities to set in place, vape regulations. However, they believe that the Ministry of Health’s proposed fee structure will be a stumbling block for the local industry, making it hard for businesses to keep operating.

“The initial fee structure has underestimated the amount of SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) vape stores sell. The fees will need to be reduced to make the scheme feasible for companies, and to deliver the Ministry of Health’s goal of meeting their costs to implement the new regulations without unduly profiting from the industry. We appreciate the proposal to give the industry nine months to implement product packaging changes, and we’re hoping the Ministry is equally reasonable on other regulatory timeframes.”

Moreover, they added, vaping and smoking must be regulated in a different manner which reflects their relative risks. “Unlike Big Tobacco selling vaping products here, local manufacturers and brands like ours are just not geared up to make quick changes. It’s important Kiwi-made vape products remain competitive, otherwise Big Tobacco wins with all their revenue exported overseas,” said Devery.