US: Baltimore City Leaders Propose a 30% Tax on E-cigarettes Source from: Vaingpost 01/05/2021 ![]() “The COVID-19 fiscal hit that we have taken, we have to be thinking about how we can generate revenue as a city,” said Scott. This bill established 30% tax on the process. It also repeals our local tobacco tax.” Economist Anirban Basu, CEO of the Sage Policy Group said that this tax would generate millions annually for the city. “The notion here is this would generate a few million dollars a year,” said Basu. However, he added, it is not the solution to the city’s problems. Yet, Scott and other supporters of the proposed tax insist that it will reap health benefits. “If we can’t ban them we can sure tax them,” said Scott. On the other hand, tobacco harm reduction experts and vape advocates believe that such measures are actually counterproductive to public health. “Taxing vapor products like combustible cigarettes for example is a move in the wrong direction, said Alex Clark, CEO of the Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association (CASAA). “Increasing the cost of these products is likely to discourage people from switching to a smoke free alternative.” |