Cigarette Packs in Estonia Get New Pictorial Warnings

The Estonian Government approved on October 22nd a bill that toughens the packaging and labelling requirements of tobacco products, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

The bill of amendments to the tobacco act amends the tobacco product packaging and labelling requirements in accordance with the European Union law. In connection with that, warning photographs on cigarette packs change. Using the new pictorial warnings is obligatory on cigarette, smoking tobacco and hookah tobacco packaging starting 20 May, 2016.

Text warnings are obligatory now too, pictorial warnings are voluntary. The package also has to have a reference to the web page which provides help to quitting smoking.

The bill forbids using in tobacco products as additives vitamin, caffeine, taurin and other stimulators as well as substances that make it easier to absorb nicotine. The cigarette packages cannot resemble any food product or cosmetic products and have to be rectangular.

The bill also prohibits starting 2017 such smoking areas, located in buildings, that have no walls of their own. Enditem