Ireland Provides Some Plain-packs Details

Ireland is circulating through the World Trade Organization details of the bill it intends to enact in respect of the "retail packaging of all tobacco products, the appearance of cigarettes and the presentation of tobacco products."

Under the bill, retail packaging of all tobacco products would have to be of a prescribed color (outer and inner surfaces) and not have decorative ridges or embellishments. Colored adhesives would be banned.

Brand and variant names would appear, but only as prescribed, and marks or trademarks, other than health warnings or barcodes, would be banned.

Packs could not contain any inserted or affixed items other than those required by law.

And any wrapper would have to be transparent, uncolored, without decorative ridges, etc., and without marks or trademarks. Wrappers could not have anything attached to them other than a tear strip as prescribed.

Cigarettes would have to be covered in white paper, have a white filter tip with a covering that could be white or imitation cork. Brands and variant names would be permitted, but only as prescribed.

Inner linings would have to be of a prescribed color and material.

The retail packaging of tobacco products could not contain any audio effects, scents or any feature designed to alter the packaging after sale by retail.

Secondary legislation will be drafted to cover regulations governing the color, font type, font size, appearance and position of where the brand and variant name may be printed on tobacco products. Enditem