Europe: Health Alliance Says Electronic Cigarettes Must Remain Available to Smokers

The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) has called for the regulation of electronic cigarettes as a matter of urgency, but insists that regulation should be framed so as to ensure these products remain available to smokers, according to an Agence Europe story.

The agency report said that, in the absence of health impact studies on electronic cigarettes, the EPHA had called for the adoption of the precautionary principle in respect of all devices containing nicotine.

The EPHA's intervention has come at a time when inter-institutional dialogue on the European Commission's proposed revisions to the Tobacco Products Directive has essentially stalled in respect of electronic cigarettes.

The EPHA has published a document in which it recommends the adoption of watertight European legislation for protecting public health.

Monika Kosinska, EPHA secretary general, said that without a robust regulatory framework in place in the EU, electronic cigarettes were hanging in a legal limbo.

It was essential that this emerging range of products was urgently regulated to safeguard people's health.

"To achieve this, Brussels has to make sure that strict rules on advertising and sponsorship as well as market surveillance and monitoring are the corner stones of new legislation, whilst ensuring that the products are accessible to existing smokers," she was quoted as saying. Enditem