UK: Scotland to Introduce Plain Packaging of Cigarettes in 2014-15

After Australia, Scotland is going to be the second country that is introducing plain packaging for cigarettes. The Scottish Government has announced that the regulation will be active in 2014-15.

Scottish Public Health Minister Michael Matheson said he wants to see Scotland in the forefront when it comes to reducing the harms caused by tobacco.

Matheson informed that the tobacco industry has challenged them. But Matheson affirmed they will remain determined to introduce plain packaging.

"To build a generation free from tobacco it is necessary to restrict the imagery and design that tobacco companies use to pull in another generation to use these addictive and lethal products", affirmed Matheson.

He talked about the initial results that Australia has received by introducing plan packaging of cigarettes. By seeing the findings, countries do get encouraged to follow its footsteps.

In fact, a research has also unveiled that plain packaging of cigarettes encourage smokers to quit smoking. Not only for health, but quitting smoking is good on pocket as well.

Matheson affirmed that they will continue to monitor Australia in order to gather evidence with regard to effects of plain packaging of cigarettes. This will help them to initiate a consultation procedure in Scotland. Enditem