South Africa: Outdoor Smoking is Harmful

Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi's proposed regulation that would ban smoking in outdoor eating areas has been given a boost by a study that has found harmful levels of second-hand smoke in outside smoking areas.

The concentration of smoke on bar patios in Montreal, Canada, was comparable with that in areas near a forest fire, said researcher Ryan Kennedy, from Johns Hopkins University in the US. "Tobacco smoke is a class-A carcinogen, and any level of exposure bears a risk."

The new regulation is expected to come into effect before the end of the year.

It is to ban smoking in outdoor eating areas, often used by restaurants as smoking sections, and other outdoor areas like beaches and sports stadiums.

Dr Yussuf Saloojee, of the National Council Against Smoking said: "Studies show waitresses have the highest rates of lung cancer of any female occupational group because of their exposure to poisons in second-hand smoke." Enditem