Australia, New Zealand: Aus Tobacco Restriction Burning Auckland Retail

The Australian government's decision to introduce tighter tobacco allowances for international travellers has impacted retail revenue growth at Auckland Airport, the operator has announced.
In September last year, the Australian government announced new laws would permit overseas arrivals to enter with a maximum of 50 cigarettes per person, an 80 percent reduction on the previous allowance.
Now according to Auckland Airport's figures during the six months to 31 December 2012, the change has softened the operator's revenue compared to the prior period, with a mere 0.9 percent increase to NZ$62.4 million (AU$50.7 million), The Moodie Report reported.
Auckland Airport chief executive Adrian Littlewood attributed slower growth to the law change, particularly because rates in July to September dipped  after changes were implemented during the second half of the period,

During the six month period international passengers declined by 1.8 percent compared to the same period the previous year to 3.6 million, while domestic arrivals increased 7.2 percent. Enditem