Clearette Launches Electronic Cigar

New York based Clearette adds the disposable E-Cigar to its product line, furthering its consumer appeal and the Clearette brand's market reach. Clearette's popular consumer products currently include the disposable electronic cigarettes, rechargeable units, and multiple flavors of the disposable E-Hookah. "It made sense to add the E-Cigar," says Joseph Arzola, Senior Vice President of Product Development, "if only because our retailers and independent distributors kept asking for it."

Similar to a disposable electronic cigarette in that it uses a battery to heat up an atomizer and generate a nicotine vapor, the E-Cigar is larger, and, in fact, looks just like a traditional tobacco cigar. "Our intention had been to launch in the third quarter of this year, but we had to get the taste right," says Arzola. "We have now done that."

Clearette's market share and geographic reach continue to grow exponentially in the competitive electronic cigarette space, while the electronic cigar market is relatively unpopulated.  Although there are a number of E-Cigars on the market, the consumer is faced with a scattered assortment of poorly performing, poor tasting products. Edward Reilly, Chief Operating Officer, says "We took into consideration what is out there as we developed ours, we are quite certain our E-Cigar will do very well. We are ahead of our projections as to market share with our other lines and we believe the E-Cigar should add another 5 to 10 percent to our bottom line.  As with all of our products, the consumer's repeat business is key."


Clearette Electronic Cigarettes offers a realistic alternative to smoking tobacco products. Clearette E-Cigarettes create a tar and carcinogen-free vapor, which provides the taste and feel of a traditional cigarette without the harmful tobacco smoke, smell, or ash. For more information, please visit