Davidoff Strengthens Asian Presence Source from: Cigar Aficionado 01/18/2016 Nearly one year to the day after acquiring an initial stake in Asian distributor Bluebell Cigars (Asia) Ltd., Oettinger Davidoff AG boosted its interest in the company to take a majority ownership. Bluebell Cigars will be renamed Davidoff of Geneva (Asia) Ltd. and will continue to be led by managing director Laurent de Rougemont. Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, chief executive officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG, said the Asia region "continues to represent significant future potential for the Davidoff business." Davidoff has been quite active on the international front in recent years. In January 2014, the company opened an office in Dubai, its first in the Middle East. It started a subsidiary in May 2013 in Moscow for sales, marketing and promotion and that same year bought back its business in Spain, eyeing expansion in the world's largest market for Cuban cigars. The same month it opened in Moscow, Davidoff opened an Austrian subsidiary, a country where the brand enjoys stronger market share than any other country in the world. Davidoff is the owner of not only the Davidoff cigar brands, but Camacho and Avo as well. Enditem |