UK: 9 in 10 Retailers Compliant with Tobacco Display Ban, Report Shows

According to a new report by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI), close to 9 in 10 small retailers are fully compliant with the tobacco display ban.

The CTSI report revealed that 89% of convenience stores, 83% of off licences, 92% of newsagents and 97% of petrol forecourts are fully compliant with the new display rules, which came into force on 6th April 2015.

Association of Convenience Stores chief executive James Lowman said: "The findings of this report show that retailers have adapted well to the tobacco display ban regulations. The guidance that we developed for retailers alongside trading standards has been widely distributed in the sector, and we are encouraged by the fact that around 90% of retailers are fully compliant with the regulations.

"This regulation has however been costly for our sector, with doors being fitted to gantries, training for staff, and longer re-stocking and service times. The fact that our sector has good levels of compliance does not mean this has been easy or cheap to achieve." Enditem