Davidoff of Geneva plans cigar store in Tampa

Many cigar stores now feature a walk-in humidor closet that keeps their premium selection fresh. Soon, Tampa will have an ultra-high-end cigar store where the entire store is a humidor.

Officials with the Davidoff of Geneva brand of cigars plan to put in a 5,000-square-foot humidity-controlled store in what's fast-becoming a high-end restaurant and retail center, the MetWest International complex across Boy Scout Boulevard from International Plaza mall, according to a news release.

This will be the largest Davidoff of Geneva store, and will be the company's first licensed boutique in the United States outside of Las Vegas. The Tampa site will be a partnership with Jeff and Tanya Borysiewicz, owners of the Orlando-based Corona Cigar Company.

Built as a lounge as much as a store, the store will have both indoor and outdoor private cigar lockers, plus full-bar service to customers. Construction plans call for the store to open potentially by the end of this year. Enditem